Four Values
We work from a vibrant relationship with God. Prayer and worship is the fuel for fruitfulness in our ministry. Our training and mentorship sessions always function in a prayer saturated, God-filled environment.
An innovation of our work is rapid deployment. We teach immediate obedience to Christ and quickly deploy workers in the harvest field. We begin the work as soon as God calls and trust Him to provide all that is needed as He builds His church. The resources are in the harvest.
No more orphan churches
Nobody plants alone. Our strength is built on relational connections in the context of community. Church planters are discipled into the depth of their calling and serve in the context of healthy Biblical community. We link arms with everyone who is engaged in the work of planting Christian churches. People from different denominations and backgrounds are welcome to share in our resources, training and mentorship.
Unpredictable pathway with predictable steps
Every community, church planter, and church plant is different and unique. With that in mind, we expect an unpredictable pathway during your church planting journey. The unpredictable pathway is guided by predictable steps throughout our 5 Biblical Strategies.
5 Biblical Strategies

All of our churches start simple.
Some grow large. Some remain small. We changed the scoreboard away from size as the primary descriptor of our church plants. Instead, we elevate three milestones for church planting: Milestone 1: Calling | Milestone 2: Gathering | Milestone 3: Reproduction.
We refuse to put a qualifier in front of the word church. So, we do not plant micro-churches, mini-churches, or mega-churches. We plant churches, period. With that in mind, we deploy church planters with a simple structure and strategy and allow God to direct the church planter (and invite Jesus to build) the church that is needed in the community.