Parks and Rec: Church Planting Edition

Parks and Rec: Church Planting Edition

At the Church Development Network (CDN), our mission is “A relentless pursuit of obedient disciples.” This mission drives our efforts in planting nondenominational evangelical churches across the globe. Recently, during a first Encounter in Columbus, Georgia, SIX new churches were conceived, and 15 potential future church sites were identified! This is a testament to our belief that focusing on Jesus’ commission (Matthew 28) will lead to the growth of His church (Matthew 16). Pastor Brandon led that Encounter, and we can’t wait to share with you the fruits from that weekend!

Meet the inspiring church planters who are embodying this mission:

Basketball Church A group of devoted individuals felt called to their local neighborhood. They saw an opportunity to connect with the community through basketball.  They started with around 10 people which led to additional people-of-peace connections.  Once the Summer heat subsides, they have plans of regular gatherings over games, cookouts, Worship and the Word. 

Tutoring Church A mother and daughter, stirred by the Lord at the Encounter, asked themselves, “What if we mentored kids in the neighborhood with a Bible study and tutoring?” Their faith was soon rewarded when a student, without any prior conversation, inquired if they offered tutoring. This marked the beginning of a new ministry, connecting them with more students and their families.

Park Church Shawn, a young man at the Encounter, felt a divine calling to a local park. Despite initial hesitation, he followed God’s nudge and met Coach Vince, who welcomed the idea of a church and offered a space in the recreation center. This has opened doors to connect with about 30 young men in the community.

Gym Church Sandy, a fitness instructor and wife to Brandon, was inspired to start a church at her all-women’s gym. Her conversation with a woman at the gym revealed a shared desire to create a supportive community for women, including those who had left the church due to past hurts.

Are you sure God?

Each of these church planters faced a crisis of belief. They questioned how they could effectively plant a church and reach their communities. Would people respond to their efforts? Could they overcome the challenges ahead? Through mentorship, prayer, and unwavering faith, these church planters saw their crises of belief resolved. They experienced God’s provision and guidance, leading to the establishment of new churches and ministries, and the transformation of their communities.


Brandon and Sandy Beringer

"God is working powerfully in Columbus and beyond. These stories are just a glimpse of the Kingdom unfolding. We are grateful for our conference, which connected us to many of you, enriching our ministry as a church of missional communities that multiply."

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Join us in our relentless pursuit of obedient disciples! With your contribution, we can continue to place churches in creative spaces and places!
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