
Victory’s Vision x 19

Victory’s Vision x 19

While I often hear about kingdom efforts magnified through CDN, I typically serve as a third-party anecdotal conduit, sharing stories of His goodness within our network once I receive alerts that new works are ready to be shared. However, as someone who was present for the Atlanta Encounter last month, I can first-hand attest to just how palpable God’s presence was during those 36 hours.

As is characteristic of most Encounters, Atlanta showcased the power of collective worship, prayer, and training, exceeding expectations. Hosted by our newfound partners at Victory Church and facilitated by CDN, 57 individuals gathered for an intensive 2-day experience. What set this apart from many inaugural Encounters was Victory Church’s pre-existing culture of establishing house churches throughout their region. On our way to the airport, Victory House Church’s Campus Pastor, Aaron Born, shared that CDN provided their missing piece. Prior to their discussions with CDN, they lacked the framework to solidify their visions and progress toward sustainable realities. Nevertheless, the ground was fertile and brimming with potential long before any of us arrived. God undoubtedly preceded us, paving the way in Georgia and beyond!

In total, 19 individuals were inspired to plant new churches or outreaches following the weekend. Lyndon Carr of Victory Church shared his reflections: “Victory Vida [Victory’s Spanish-speaking church] decided to host a Spanish training site in August. At least two couples from the Victory Vida group also aspire to plant churches. One couple within our group plans to relocate their RV to an RV park and initiate a house church in that community! Furthermore, one of our leaders in Quebec has devised a plan to establish a house church with his family in Canada! The house church planters in Jamaica have resolved to establish a house church in Guava Walk, an area teeming with potential for spreading the gospel!”

If you think there’s a lot going on there, that’s precisely what characterized the entire weekend! Each session led to revelatory moments yearning for someone to respond in obedience. God could not have made the pathways clearer if He tried! The vision of an individual from one country on one side of the room resonated with the aspirations of another from an entirely different country on the opposite side. This realization sparked further affirmation, resulting in 36 hours of interconnected chain reactions that only our remarkable Father could orchestrate so seamlessly.

When ordinary people encounter Jesus, extraordinary visions are born for spreading the gospel! If one weekend could catalyze 19 new church plants & gospel-spreading ministries, where might God be leading you to step out further?!

Will you join us in prayer for the laborers, resources, and open doors necessary to witness this vision come to fruition? Victory Vida also seeks support as they prepare to host the first Spanish-language Encounter weekend.

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A Whirlwind Weekend: Twin Encounters in PA, USA

During the last weekend of January 2024, God orchestrated divine appointments as two Encounter retreats convened simultaneously in Pennsylvania —one at Open Arms Church in Bradford, led by Zoe Hatche, Rich Dennison and Dan Robinson; and one at Wallenpaupack Church in Lakeville, led by Pastor Ken Platt along with Helen Kelly and Joe Krajacic. Though separated geographically, these communities found themselves spiritually united.

In Bradford, hungry for a breakthrough, 15 eager participants joined Zoe and her team. As the standout moment, during a defining moment of surrender, the fallow ground of participant Phil’s heart broke open as two local ministerial candidates prayed over him. With Spirit-led words affirming his identity as a “weeping prophet,” he was exceedingly encouraged and knows that although he doesn’t have all the answers yet, he is indeed being called and he is responding with a resounding, “Yes!”  Moreover, while only one church plant sprouted that weekend, many gained confidence for the works already emerging through them.

Simultaneously in Lakeville, the Holy Spirit fueled similar yearnings for greater Gospel impact through Wallenpaupack Church. Another fifteen participants, equally yearning to exchange plateau for acceleration, attended this second Encounter of the weekend.

During a previous Wallenpaupack Church Encounter, Greentown Family Church was conceived in heaven. This time, lead planters, John and Jess LaBelle, returned – six months into their new work – joined by several friends and family members eager to reach the families of Greentown, PA with them for Christ.

God deposited fresh vision into others from Wallenpaupack Church as well: Johnna felt a nudge for “Summit Trails Church” – an outdoor, hiking congregation doing mobile Discovery Bible Studies along park trails! Emily sensed the need to identify a strategically located building near her gated community where she could begin to gather His people, and another felt led to launch a smaller, more intimate house church. Lastly, Gary began unpacking a deep-seated call to build reentry ramps through prison ministry. FOUR ministries and churches from ONE Encounter!

Additionally, Momentum Church, launched in 2022 from Wallenpaupack Church, brought new guests. Several there see needs among homeschool families that God may be prompting them to reach. Stay tuned on that one!

Despite separate locales, these twin Encounter havens became springboards for Kingdom increase, relentlessly building disciples and planting new churches. Amen?! Amen.

So, what’s next?

For Open Arms, please pray for an exciting opportunity that the ministry is considering for their future. At Wallenpaupack, Pastor Ken faces mentoring an influx of new planters and churches on top of their own building expansion goals.

Both desire prayer and support to steward these new works faithfully and break through barriers to see the Great Commission advanced. Their next Encounter weekends are slated for July 2024.

Will you join in praying for these churches during this critical season of birthing new ministries? May we all say “yes” as God stirs new callings in each of us for Kingdom growth!

Fun fact!

During this last weekend in January there were also Encounters elsewhere in PA and on the other side of the pond in the United Kingdom!

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Igniting Passionate Disciple-Makers in Virginia’s Youth

Aaron Wells surveyed the youth landscape when planting Pure Life Church in rural Virginia – only 2% of over 10,000 teenagers connected to one of 30 local congregations. He felt compelled to shape a new destiny for the next generation. Through rallying youth groups and an innovative teen center, Aaron now counts 20% of youth engaged across the county.

Seeing momentum build, churches and businesses pitched in to raise $53,000 and enlist 20 volunteers to resource Pure Life’s budding youth outreach. Aaron dreams disciple-making DNA will saturate this community as teens grow in passion for Jesus and get equipped for life as church planters worldwide. He already witnesses the fruit as students lead their peers, share their fledgling faith and grow curiously toward Christ.

The chance to shape young disciple-makers who will reproduce across the globe links directly to our vision for multiplication movements. We celebrate the contagious spirit stirring in Virginia’s youth and Aaron’s vision to propel this energy outward for kingdom impact.

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Kingdom Multiplication through Kenyan Encounter!

The inaugural gathering in Nairobi was nothing short of electrifying. An enthusiastic group of planters, ignited by a dynamic Encounter Weekend, converged with a shared determination to amplify the impact of the gospel. From December 14-16, CDN trainers Ebenezer, Zoe, Ruth, and Adiel spearheaded this transformative mission, leaving an indelible mark on attendees hailing from various denominations and roles.

God worked through the contagious passion of these trainers, inspiring participants ranging from bishops to evangelists to teachers. The ripple effect extended across borders, touching lives in Kenya, Uganda, Malawi, and Tanzania. Ruth recalled the hunger for Swahili multiplication resources. The Kimotho’s, a local pastoral couple, and fellow teacher, Evalyn Kimani, all offered their translation skills. Encounter Guidebook are now available as a result! Esther Kufuru now leads CDN’s Launchpad in Swahili.

The vision didn’t stop there. Equipped with DBS cards, FMC Superintendent Yesse carried the torch back to Tanzania, ready to empower future evangelists. Despite lingering language differences, 53 leaders emerged from the experience united under one mission: catalyzing 15 training centers in 2024, serving as launching pads for grassroots church movements.

The Holy Spirit’s momentum was unmistakable as relationships blossomed across regions. This newfound synergy and expansive vision emerged as a testament to divine intervention. As Ebenezer reflected, “The Lord was with me through all challenges. CDN talks about ‘let it rain’—which is precisely what God did!”

In the midst of diverse languages and backgrounds, a harmonious mission emerged. Only God could orchestrate such sudden unity, turning a gathering in Nairobi into the epicenter of a movement. The seeds planted during those days are destined to yield a bountiful harvest in the coming years. As we celebrate the unity and momentum generated in Nairobi, let’s take this spirit of collaboration and extend it beyond borders. Join us in prayer for the continued success of the 15 training centers slated for 2024.

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Dinner & DBS

Charmaine of Bridgeport, PA, writes: “I have a steady Thursday night prayer & Bible study group that has been using [DBS] for a few months now.  We are also using it as a family.  We have a weekly family DBS after dinner every Monday. My mom lives with us, so we have 3 generations and we all learn and contribute to the discussion.  It’s been such a rich experience.

I love that my kids are learning early that they can go straight to scripture without needing an interpreter, and that the Holy Spirit will help them learn and understand.  They are living out the truth that scripture is the authority. My oldest son is very bright and analytic, and is very perceptive in the Bible study.  He is the type who needs to learn things for himself, so this method is absolutely right for him.

DBS has been so great for us as a family that I wanted to share it with another family who is not part of a church, but is wanting to live as disciples and raise their children in the Lord.  We had them over for dinner last Monday and did our DBS after dinner together.  I cannot even put into words what beauty came from that evening.  The father of the family was deeply touched by the presence of the spirit and shared a tearful story of his life and his fears.  God was moving!  Last night they did their first DBS together around their family dinner table. “

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Multiplying DBS

Pastor Joel Guzman and a team from El Remanente Church in the Bronx, NY, participated in DBS training via Zoom in 2020 along with several pastors in the Dominican Republic and US. Since that time, they’ve been fruitfully living out the Great Commission! Pastor Joel reports that:
* Pastor Juan Antonio Cortijo Restityo planted a church in the Santiago area of DR, a church for the blind, and an additional church plant.
* Pastor Edward Ventura trained two lay leaders in DBS, which has resulted in a virtual church in the Dominican Republic and a new church in Peru.
* Pastor Pedro Guerrero participated in DBS training and is now readying a group to plant a church in The Bronx.
* Pastors Edward Ventura and David Ulloa relocated to Florida where the’ve started two new DBS groups, while another leader moved to Waterbury, CT and is gathering a new group there.

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Aaron, Skip & Alla

Aaron planted a church in Middlesex, VA. The main outreach of the church is a Skateboard ministry that reaches around 50 community kids and families. People are coming to faith, and the church (called Pure Life Church) has grown to around 30 people on Sunday mornings. 

One day, a family from the community came unexpectedly to a DBS that Aaron and Bonnie were hosting in their home. Skip, his wife Alla, and their two children began to open up about how they had not been to church in decades. However, the Lord began stirring in Skip’s heart, and since their kids went to the Skate Club ministry, they decided to come to a DBS. The Lord met with Skip and Alla in a powerful way.

That very week, Skip reconciled with his father (they hadn’t spoken in many years). And when they heard the call to church planting, Skip and Alla tearfully said “yes” to Jesus. Alla began to share how she grew up in Soviet-controlled Ukraine, where Christianity was illegal. However, as a little girl, she experienced the underground church as her uncle and other relatives would meet in homes to worship Jesus, pray, and hear the scriptures. Alla did not understand what was happening when she was a child, especially because her school was so hostile to Christianity.

Now, as an adult in USA, she is joyfully walking with the Lord, and is excited to answer the call for her family to plant churches in Middlesex. Skip and Alla have started the new church plant by launching a DBS in their home with close friends and family.

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Family DBS

We recently received a very encouraging email testimony from a mother of three in Eastern Pennsylvania that we wanted to share with you!

She wrote, “I am very appreciative of the time that you took specifically to meet with me and share the vision and method of DBS.  Our family has decided to implement this method in place of reading devotions from a book (which a couple of the kids thought was soooooo boooring).  We started this week, in Joshua 1, and it’s been a positive experience so far!  My 11-year-old, who is very intellectual and sometimes feels that this whole Jesus thing is hard to believe, deduced on his own during the discussion that “God keeps His promises.”  That was a balm to this mother’s soul!  My 9-year-old said, “I can be a leader,” which then led to, “I can be a good leader if I am with God.”

“I also have a couple of families in mind that I want to invite to join us in DBS with their kids.  Many kids are not involved in student ministry anymore because of covid restrictions, and parents are looking for help leading their kids to walk with Jesus.  I am excited about using this format with the kids.  I know that the Holy Spirit can speak to them directly, and I believe that this method will better inspire them to take ownership over their own bible study.”

Please pray this week during your 10:02 prayer times (or whenever you pray!) for Christian families across the United States:

That parents & guardians would step into their God-given roles as the spiritual leaders of their homes.

That families would find a method (whether it be DBS or something else) that helps them become more obedient disciples of Jesus.

That the prophecy of Malachi 4:6 would be fulfilled in families in our time: “He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers.”

That every household may be a greenhouse for Christian discipleship!

Are you interested in DBS Training? Click the link below and get started.

Discovery Bible Study

DBS is a simple yet effective method for helping people become obedient disciples of Jesus (Matthew 28:18-20). It is a way for groups to read and discuss the Bible using four strategic questions to discover God and His guidance for our daily lives.

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New disciples in India

We are rejoicing today, and asking for continued prayer for young disciples in the nation of India!  One such disciple is an 11-year-old girl who has already become an evangelist within her family.  Cheryl and her parents are part of a group of about 20 Christians who are learning to become obedient disciples of Jesus through weekly Discovery Bible Study.

We received a wonderful testimony last month from Cheryl’s mother who said that Cheryl recently shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ with all the children in her family!  Cheryl’s mother wrote: 

“Today, I sneaked into the back of our kids’ prayer meeting and stumbled into one of the greatest Gospel presentations I have heard in recent times!  Yesterday in kids’ prayer time, Cheryl shared the full Gospel of Jesus to all the kids – it was excellent!  She spoke with such clarity – I was amazed listening to it!  Cheryl is truly gifted – she reminds me of Timothy from the Bible.  She is not only growing under your guidance but also practicing what she is learning.  I couldn’t control my tears today.  Lockdown is truly being fruitful.  Praise God for this generation of our children who are not only growing in spirit but also bonding in love.” 

We are so happy for Cheryl and for all the other young disciples emerging in India!  Please join us in praying for them: 

  • May God bless these young disciples and use them mightily in the days to come! 
  • May they stand up as role models for Christian discipleship in their nation and generation. 

May they continue to be encouraged and empowered by their parents, who themselves are growing to become obedient disciples of Jesus. 

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