Attend an Encounter weekend
Encounter is a worship, prayer and training experience that teaches the strategies for multiplication. The Encounter weekend is followed by a mentorship journey that guides you to plant churches.

What makes CDN different?
CDN is marked by a hunger for Jesus. We seek the fullness of Christ’s presence in prayer, and the fulfillment of Christ’s work on mission.
CDN establishes a clear entry point and lasting pipeline. We set a relational rhythm where ordinary people encounter Christ and enter his harvest field.
CDN prioritizes the personal and spiritual formation of the church planter. Trainers disciple church planters into the depth of their calling.
CDN celebrates three significant milestones (Calling, Gathering, Sending) in the journey of church planting, instead of primarily counting the prevailing big three (Attendance, Budgets, Buildings).
CDN provides tools and resources at no charge to the church planter or local training center.
CDN is a community of practitioners on the front-lines of church planting who come alongside to help you accomplish what God has placed in your heart to do.
The Harvest Collective
CDN’s virtual space to share God’s faithfulness and fruitfulness through field updates and testimonies so we can learn from and celebrate the exciting ways God is multiplying kingdom impact through our collective efforts!
The Harvest Collective Podcast is the voice for the Church Development Network. You will hear voices from the harvest field as we talk about church planting insights, stories from the field, and best practices in sowing seeds for the gospel.
The Harvest Collective is CDN’s space to share God’s faithfulness and fruitfulness through field updates and testimonies.
Your stories inspire the broader Church Development Network community as we seek to accelerate disciple-making and church planting across the globe. Each testimony provided is evidence that seeds planted are bearing remarkable fruit in the hands of faithful leaders like you!

Are you a Network or Regional Leader?
We would love to meet with you and share how we can work together to start a church planting movement from within your local church, your network of churches, or in partnership with your denomination.
We are convinced that, “The kingdom of God advances along relational lines,” so we believe a conversation about collaboration over a cup of coffee is a great place to start.